Hosted by Turkmenistan Government, the Great Silk Road --Towards New Developments Forum was recently held in Turkmenbashi. More than 500 participants including government officials of the Belt and Road countries, leaders of international organizations and representatives from railway and port industries were present at the forum. Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov made it clear in his opening speech that“2018 is Turkmenistan’s Silk Road Year”, Turkmenistan will work closely with international organizations like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for the Silk Road revival, striving to promote good understanding among the Belt and Road countries and building up an inclusive and open global community.
Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce presented President Berdymukhamedov the Certificate of Honour for Reviving the Ancient Silk Road. President Berdymukhamedov highly praised SRCIC’s efforts in maintaining the world multilateral trade system. “Chambers are rule setters in the business game. They cast great influence not only on the economy but also on the politics. We are an important strength in protecting the world multilateral trade system against the trade protectionism on a global scale. SRCIC is a big international resource. Chambers are actively getting involved with us.”
Since its establishment in 2015, Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce has united 117 state-level organizational members from 75 countries. Members from international organizations believe China’s Belt and Road Initiative will bring wealth and peace to areas along the Silk Road. The Turkmenbashi Port that opened during the Forum is considered the important infrastructure in connecting Belt and Road countries,bringing new momentum for the regional logistics development.