Hong Kong Declaration by SRCIC
10 Dec 2015


Self Photos / Files - 香港特区行政长官梁振英,丝绸之路国际总商会主席、中国国际商会副会长吕建中,世界商会联合会荣誉主席罗纳•伊尔卡里,来自丝绸之路沿线及各地区36个国家的工商协会会长、商界领袖、文化学者、行业专家,香港商会领导等数百位嘉宾出席开幕式



Hong Kong, Dec. 10 (by Sun Zifa, Chinanews) - The Hong Kong based Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce announced the Hong Kong Declaration on 10th that aimed to infuse the Silk Road trade development into the G20 agenda.


According to the 2016 Work Plan in the Hong Kong Declaration, Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce is an active member of the G20 Business Summit and a consultant for G20 leadership on international trade. China is the host of 2016 G20 and B20 Summit. Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce will play an important role in infusing the Silk Road trade development into the G20 agenda. It will also advise governments through various channels, so as to promote and establish business consulting mechanism in the Belt and Road Initiative.


As stated in the Declaration, the aim of Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce is to bring opportunities from Silk Road Economic Belt, 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and eSilkroad to international business community. Among them, the eSilkroad is a platform co-initiated by Silk Road countries that provides services for cross-border e-commerce, public information and cultural exchange. It helps the Silk Road region in building channels for trade, finance and communication among peoples.


In addition, Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce will establish Silk Road Think Tank Association that focuses on trade and cultural development. The think tank and research institute will offer its efforts in promoting the economic and social sustainable development in the Silk Road region.